Friday, July 23, 2010


Well I posted a few To-Do items that had to be done. I wish that I was able to come back with all my tasks complete but I am afraid that I cannot. I did get half of the four things done. That counts for something right? I mailed my package off, and I spoke with the insurance company. I may not have made any more tea bag holders or had a chance to upload any pictures but I did grill out and had my BFF and her family over both nights off. I also went on nice log evening walks both nights too. I think I balanced the scale pretty good. I have a slightly large family and most of my friends do too. That makes for a lot of kids and adults in one place. I love it!

Oh but I did get my Martha Stewart punches in the mail today. Wouldn't ya figure I would get them in on a day that I have to return to work. I did take them out of the box and play for a tiny bit but I really wish that I could use them tonight. I have to work the entire weekend too so I will have to let them sit for several days before I can use them. I guess I have a few things to look forward to and I don't have to make a new To-Do list